Thursday, May 14, 2020

The Importance Of Congress In Crafting American Foreign...

The President’s recent actions to send troops to Poland and Lithuania to defend our NATO allies has led to questions regarding the constitutionality of such action and the role congress plays in crafting American foreign policy. It is very important to understand these questions and the debates that surround them are not new to our nation. In fact, two of our nations most important founders, James Madison and Alexander Hamilton, debated the balance of congressional and presidential power in foreign affairs all the way back in 1793. Similarly, the need to defend our NATO allies is nothing new. As Russia looks to expand its â€Å"sphere of influence† and return to its Cold War Self; we must ensure that our military and our NATO allies have the†¦show more content†¦Since then, Congress has remained a strong supporter in the Organization. As you will recall, both the U.S House of Representatives and Senate have recently voted, with near unanimous approval, amendmen ts stating Congress’s support to the NATO alliance. President Trump’s actions where made in the spirit of Congress’s longstanding commitment. James Madison himself points out that,† The natural province of the executive magistrate is to execute laws†¦ (Pyle, Pious 58).† President Trump actions to send troops to Eastern Europe is an example of the President executing the law of the land, in this case the NATO treaty. The execution of the law was done as a defense mechanism against Russian aggression. President Trump’s actions where in the spirit of collective defense defined in NATO’s charter of which has been approved by Congress continuously. Hypothetically, if the President were to make an offensive move against Russia he would need the approval of Congress, because he would no longer be following the protocol for NATO’s collective defense. This would remain the case until a member of NATO invokes the mutual self-defense c lause of the NATO treaty (Article Five). Alexander Hamilton wrote during the Neutrality Debate of 1793, â€Å"If the Legislature have a right to make war on the one hand—it is on the other the duty of the Executive to preserve Peace till war is declared†¦ (Pyle,Show MoreRelatedEssay on Hamdi et al. v. Rumsfeld4706 Words   |  19 Pagesdefense of the abuses at Guantanamo Bay. In this case, four British citizens are suing Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld as well as a host of Army and Air Force Generals and policy apparatchiks for allegedly authorizing the use of torture in Afghanistan and Guantanamo Bay. The four were captured in Afghanistan, either by Americans or America’s ally, the Northern Alliance, and transported to Guantanamo Bay in Cuba where they were held for over two years. 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